Monday, June 29, 2009

American Apparel is Producing Goods in China, Not So American After All

American Apparel is not that American anymore. They are producing goods in China. According to CNBC's Made in China, American Apparel will produce goods for Chinese retail stores in China instead of USA.

This is a low blow to US consumers who thought they were supporting an all American company. Many consumers were purchasing American Apparel because it was not only made in the USA, but it was made by American workers treated right. This is not so true anymore if the products are made outside of the United States.

Before, American Apparel gave the impression that they were supporting America, but now it is clear that they aren't that brand. The company has said on CNBC that they stand for "The American Dream". This basically means nothing in terms of supporting America and American workers. It seems more like a marketing gimmik to us.

If American Apparel really wanted to be American, they would produce the clothing for the Chinese market in the United States.

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